IT Consulting Services

IT Consulting Services

Terabyte IT Solutions are a Managed Service Provider (MSP) that help organisations to solve their most perplexing technology challenges.

Our IT Consulting Services help your business stay secure, productive, and profitable. We deliver expert guidance on the strategic technology direction you should take to stay ahead of the technology curve — and your competitors.

What Are IT Consulting Services?

IT consultants provide strategic advice. Their primary goal is to help your organisation use technology and IT resources to reach your strategic business goals. IT consultants solve IT problems. Common IT consulting services include:

  • IT Strategy and Planning
  • IT Assessments
  • Security Risk Assessments
  • Cloud and Data Migration Planning
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
  • IT Budgeting

Transparent Billing

All items are detailed, so it's clear what you are paying for. Enjoy peace of mind with a predictable cost.


We are well equipped to support your IT environment remotely. Local resources are also available for site visits.


Communication is key. Quarterly business reviews and meetings ensure that we meet your expectations.

RIsk Assessment

A constantly evolving checklist to ensure that client systems are as stable and consistent as they can be.

What IT Consulting Services Do We Offer?

Terabyte offers a comprehensive suite of IT consulting services. When you need expert assistance, we provide a local presence, wide range of resources, and exceptional expertise.

From IT strategy to IT budgeting, we can help you keep up with today’s fast-moving IT trends.


Assistance with strategic IT planning is one of our most frequently requested services. We think of strategic IT as a core competitive strength, helping you to invest in the right technologies to prepare your company for tomorrow’s challenges.

We work with you to document a detailed strategic plan that maps your business goals to short and long-term action plans. We then help you achieve those goals.

IT budgeting goes hand in hand with strategic IT planning. Trying to build a technology budget without a clear understanding of what your company needs can be frustrating.

We work with you to develop a realistic IT budget that incorporates both your own assets and resources, plus the projected costs of any new technology that will deliver the most value to your organisation.

The chances are, your network has developed gradually over time, with layers of hardware and software that may now be contributing to unintended security gaps or inefficiencies.

We can conduct a comprehensive review of your IT environment and examine how your current technology is helping or hindering your business. As part of this process, you receive a written evaluation of the key areas that need improvement, with prioritised recommendations.

As your business relies more heavily on technology, the inherent risks increase. A single data breach or ransomware attack can cause huge financial, legal, and reputational damages.

Our comprehensive cybersecurity assessment identifies your level of risk and defines a mitigation approach to minimise and manage your threats and vulnerabilities.

Many organisations are transferring their data and applications from on-premise data centres to cloud based services, typically to reduce costs, increase security, and build redundancy.

Our IT consultancy service helps you develop the right cloud migration strategy, including having the correct cloud security in place. We take you through the pros and cons, help you evaluate cloud providers, calculate costs, and then implement a plan to ensure a successful cloud migration project.

Business interruptions happen, and a continuity and disaster recovery plan is vital to keep your company up and running through whatever crisis you might face.

Terabyte can help you formulate a BC/DR plan that encompasses how employees communicate in a crisis, where they go to find the information they need, and how they can access the tools and processes they need to perform their jobs in any situation.

A vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) is a dedicated IT executive who provides short or long-term support for IT strategy, operations, and leadership. If your organisation needs strategic direction but you don’t have the budget for a full-time CIO, a vCIO is an excellent choice to help you set your priorities and manage your day-to-day technology operations.

Ask us how we can benefit your organisation.

What Are the Benefits of IT Consulting Services?

The primary benefit of partnering with Terabyte IT Solutions is that you get the expertise without the expense. You gain immediate access to a wide range of expertise without having to recruit and manage this resource yourself.

You gain access to a wealth of specialised advice, proven best practices, and winning processes, all based on thousands of hours of experience across a wide range of sectors.

That’s the primary benefit, there are actually eight more benefits to our IT consulting services:

In many small and medium sized companies, in-house IT staff aren’t usually required to specialise in a particular area of expertise, instead the role requires them to be a jack of all trades. With an external IT consultant, you can gain specialised skills, in-depth knowledge about current solutions, and the tools and capabilities your organisation requires.

An IT consultant can often complete technology projects using fewer resources than your in-house team might need. The consultant will give you an accurate upfront estimate regarding the cost of the engagement, and once the project is complete, you won’t need to keep the consultant on the payroll.

A consultant can share expertise and provide training throughout the engagement, resulting in a stronger in-house team overall.

IT consultants can identify and resolve security threats in your network and systems. They work with your team to establish processes and protocols to ensure better ongoing protection.

In-house IT teams, especially in smaller companies, are often overwhelmed with multiple projects and conflicting priorities. Engaging an IT consultant to complete specific projects can free up your team to focus on core business functions and priorities.

IT consultants deliver more than just technical expertise. They often use proven, repeatable processes that they pass on to your team through IT documentation and technology training.

Armed with experience and a toolkit of best practices, IT consultants bring a fresh perspective to your technology environment. They identify issues you may have overlooked and make recommendations about improving or replacing legacy technology systems and practices.

Prefer an informal chat over coffee? We can do that too!

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an IT Consultant?

If you’re frustrated while trying to figure out how much it costs to hire an IT consultant, we understand. There are so many variables and what-ifs...

Here’s the average: You can expect to pay between £70 and £120 per hour. Whether you come in at the low end or the high end or somewhere in between, it depends on multiple factors. These include the size of your organisation and the amount of your IT function that you want to outsource.