IT Security

Cybersecurity Services and Solutions

Terabyte IT Solutions provide a wide range of cybersecurity consulting and fully managed cybersecurity services. We protect your business from unrelenting attacks around the clock.

With Terabyte, you get 24/7 security monitoring, management, and remediation. We provide layered protection, starting with a security assessment and offering high-availability Security Operations Centres (SOC), Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), and more. You gain access to skilled cybersecurity consultants — including Virtual Chief Informative Security Officer  (vCISO) services and cloud security services.


What Are Managed Cybersecurity Services?

Managed cybersecurity services are services offered by a third-party provider to help organisations stay ahead of the latest cyber threats. In other words, managed cybersecurity is outsourced cybersecurity. An organisation outsources part or all its cybersecurity such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), intrusion detection & response, and vulnerability scanning & remediation to a managed cybersecurity provider.

What Are Managed Cybersecurity Service Providers?

A managed cybersecurity services provider offers outsourced cybersecurity services to organisations. The key word is “managed.” Managed cybersecurity services providers manage cybersecurity for their clients. They typically offer a wide range of services and expertise, everything from cybersecurity hardware and software to training, from best practices development to threat detection, mitigation, and prevention.

Terabyte is a managed cybersecurity services provider that offer a full suite of affordable solutions which deliver comprehensive cybersecurity to safeguard your data, meet your compliance requirements, and maintain your competitive advantage.

Transparent Billing

All items are detailed, so it's clear what you are paying for. Enjoy peace of mind with a predictable cost.


We are well equipped to support your IT environment remotely. Local resources are also available for site visits.


Communication is key. Quarterly business reviews and meetings ensure that we meet your expectations.

RIsk Assessment

A constantly evolving checklist to ensure that client systems are as stable and consistent as they can be.

What Cybersecurity Services Do We Offer?

Terabyte offers cybersecurity solutions and cybersecurity consulting services for businesses of all sizes. Our solutions are comprehensive and affordable. We can provide the tools to protect your data, make sure you meet compliance requirements, and give you confidence that your business is protected against the latest threats.


A cybersecurity risk assessment provides your business with an in-depth look at your current security coverage. Terabyte will identify any assets that could be affected by a cyber attack. We will help you understand the risks associated with each element, highlight what needs the most protection, and then provide a customised road map with short and long-term milestones.

A vCISO is a service designed to make top-tier security experts available to you on an as-needed basis. Our vCISO service can bring both strategic and operational leadership to those who can’t afford, or don’t need a full-time resource but do need someone to provide consistent security expertise.

Passwords alone are no longer enough to protect your company against cyberattacks and data breaches. MFA protects your online data by ensuring that only verified users can access your business applications and services.

Terabyte’s IDR solution actively monitors your network 24/7 for signs of attack before they happen. It consists of three important layers, including an automated threat detection system, skilled security experts who review these alarms, and remediation that happens in near real time, without interrupting business continuity.

Antivirus software may protect you from the simplest of attacks, but it’s unlikely to be capable of protecting against sophisticated modern hacking techniques. Terabyte’s EDR uses powerful Artificial Intelligence to stop attackers in their tracks — even when your devices are outside the office firewall.

Most security incidents start with a phishing attack aimed at employees. Terabyte’s cybersecurity services include anti-phishing training, providing you with an automated 12-month campaign that steadily increases your employee’s abilities to recognise, report, and block attempted phishing attacks.

Terabyte’s Vulnerability Scanning solution scans your network for vulnerabilities that attackers target most. These typically include: missing security patches, insecure settings, and redundant services. The findings are analysed, prioritised, and addressed, closing loopholes before attackers can exploit them.

GRC refers to a strategy for managing an organisation’s overall governance, enterprise risk management, and compliance with regulations. Terabyte’s cybersecurity service can help you create a well-planned governance, risk, and compliance strategy, which includes creating, auditing, and managing a clear framework that aligns your IT and business strategies.

To be one step ahead of cyber-attackers, you need to know how they think, and how they make their attacks. Penetration testing from Terabyte allows you to safely identify your security gaps long before the wrong people find them.

How secure is your environment?
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How We Can Improve Your Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is key to keeping your business not just healthy, but competitive. As an IT services provider, we’ve seen the security landscape evolve. That’s why we’ve designed a set of solutions specifically to meet the needs of small to medium sized businesses (SMBs). Unlike most security providers, Terabyte works with SMB clients every day. We understand your environment, your risks and your budget constraints. We’ve created a set of affordable solutions that together create a comprehensive cybersecurity program to safeguard your data and help meet your compliance requirements.

Most legacy networks are not equipped to deal with the sophistication and frequency of today’s cyberattacks. We can assess your infrastructure thoroughly to determine network security viability, then create a prioritised plan to address any deficiencies. Next-generation firewalls provide more comprehensive threat protection, including application control, intrusion protection, antivirus, and deep packet inspection.

All applications, operating systems, and security software should be reviewed regularly, and software updates and security patches should be subsequently applied. We identify any software that the manufacturer or provider no longer supports, and upgrade or replace where necessary.

In today’s digital business environment, applications, workflows, and information need to move seamlessly across environments, and your cybersecurity strategies should follow.

As the “network perimeter” becomes more fluid and harder to clearly define, we focus on closing vulnerabilities wherever they may be. This means quickly detecting compromises and responding to those compromises in a rapid, comprehensive, and appropriate way. To do so, you must have the right intrusion detection system and a security incident response plan in place.

The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) provides an excellent reference resource for securing data and physical assets. Although it’s natural to focus on the “cyber” aspect of cybersecurity, physical security is still critical.

Restricting or denying access to computers, servers, and data centres is an integral part of protecting digital assets, as is educating users on effective physical security protocols.

Terabyte will analyse your current network infrastructure and identify weakness in your physical network hardware.

From phishing to pharming to inadvertent acts of negligence, employees are often your biggest risk factor. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to protect your organisation is to create a culture of cybersecurity. Terabyte are able to offer training as an ongoing process and ensure that your staff understand exactly which behaviours to avoid or embrace.

A structured risk assessment can help identify and address significant security gaps that may be putting your organisation’s data, digital assets, and network at risk. We can conduct a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment. This involves: defining your system, identifying threats, determining the potential impact, analysing the environment, and finally calculating the associated security risk.

Ready to learn more about how we can keep you protected?

How Much Do Managed Cybersecurity Services Cost?

The short answer is that you should expect to spend 10% of your IT budget on security. The long answer is... how much you invest depends on your industry, the size of your organisation, your IT footprint, and the complexity of your infrastructure, networks, and data.