Co-Managed IT Services

What is Co-Managed IT?

Co-managed IT services can be defined as a model that allows businesses to blend their internal IT team with the support, knowledge, and expertise of an MSP. It allows organisations to customise their IT services to allow them to decide which services to keep in house and which would be better suited for outsourcing. The idea is to create a partnership where the MSP can support, enhance, and supplement the existing IT team within an organisation.

How Does Co-Managed IT Work?

Many businesses need help or additional workforce from external IT management services. Sometimes, outsourcing IT operations entirely does not make sense for the business. This is where the co-management model is a good fit.

When you establish a co-management approach, you:

  1. Analyse your existing IT department’s needs, skills, resources, tools and abilities.
  2. Determine which services or resources you need to meet department or organisational goals.
  3. Partner with a third-party organisation to supplement those needed services.

Co-management looks different for each business. For example, some companies may rely on their in-house IT department for helpdesk support while depending on an external partner for large-scale projects, or vice versa. It’s also important to note that co-management is flexible — as your needs or resources change, so does your co-management strategy.


Ready to Explore Co-Managed IT Support?

What Are the Benefits of Co-Managed IT Services?

There are many benefits to Co-Managed IT Services. Managed IT Service providers that offer Co-Managed services have a wealth of knowledge in all areas of information technology. Your internal IT team can focus on their skills and knowledge base while still getting access to an external company for support when needed.

Your IT provider can offer the exact type of help you need, when it’s needed. If you would prefer that your internal IT team focus on high-level, strategic work, the managed service provider (MSP) can handle the day-to-day technology needs like maintenance and troubleshooting. You could for instance, use your MSP to help with large projects, or to deploy new software and hardware.


Cost Efficiency

Hiring, training and retaining IT personnel has become time-consuming and expensive, if not impossible.

Project Completion

In-house IT teams are often treading water trying to keep up with day to day tasks, let alone taking on new projects.

Access to Expertise

Solution architects, CIOs, CISOs, Microsoft and Apple technicians, Cloud IT consultants and more, are at your disposal.

Risk Mitigation

Most organisations do not have the budget to employ cybersecurity specialists coupled with enterprise-grade tools and systems required for proper protection.

Access to Tools

High end tools, plus round the clock security systems, cloud backup solutions, managed data centres…the list goes on.


What Co-Managed IT Services Do We Offer?

Co-managed IT services are ideal for both large and small companies. Every business needs a streamlined, simple management process to navigate projects and troubleshoot issues. Co-management IT services fill in any gaps in your everyday operations, allowing you to focus on the high-level aspects of building your business. Our services are built to minimise the pressure on your internal team.

Our co-management solutions provide a variety of services as set out below.

(Also referred to as Service Desk.) End user support can be a huge drain on a small team, preventing them from tackling more strategic projects.

A time-consuming but important task, as employees come and go. The new remote worker environment makes this more of a challenge.

Often a headache that IT teams struggle to keep up with. Properly maintained license management can also help reduce costs!

It’s hard to follow up on every single alert when interrupted with emergency situations day in and day out.

A critical function that every organisation needs to have in place.

An important task that often does not occur in a timely fashion. This has been the embarrassing cause for many high-profile data breaches in large companies, including the government!

There are very few organisations who can actually afford to bring in-house the enterprise grade systems and solutions that are necessary, not to mention the expertise to manage them.

This is a luxury that most internal IT teams always struggle to get around to. Often caught in the hamster wheel of day-to-day tasks, it’s hard to see the big picture.

It’s highly likely most of your data lives in Excel spreadsheets and Word documents with little to no organisation.

An important task that often falls through the cracks.

This ranges from vCIO and vCISO services to Microsoft expertise (Sharepoint, Azure, etc.), Apple expertise, cloud migration planning and more.

Common Misconceptions About Co-Managed IT Service

Myth 1 - "Co-Managed IT Services Are The Same As Outsourcing"

It’s important to understand that Co-Managed services aren’t quite the same as outsourcing. Outsourcing is when you’re transferring all or most of your work to an outside company. Co-Managed IT services allow you to keep your internal team in charge of certain tasks while still getting the expertise and support of an outside provider.

Myth 2 - "Co-Managed Is Only For Large Businesses"

Co-managed IT services are for any size company! Co-Managed service providers offer plans that can be scaled to meet the needs of an individual business. It’s all about finding a plan that suits your budget and goals.

Myth 3 : "Co-Managed Is More Expensive Than Employing Internally"

Most companies will spend far less by utilising a Co-Managed service than they would from hiring internally. This is because most IT professionals are specialists in a particular field. An engineer employed to handle Servers and Network Infrastructure, is unlikely to also to manage your website.

Partnering with a Managed Service Provider really benefits your organisation. For a fixed monthly cost, you gain access to a vast amount of experience and resource instead of having to employ multiple IT professionals. 

Ready to Explore Co-Managed IT Support?

How Can You Get Started With Co-Managed IT Service?

Interested in using Co-Managed IT services for your business? Start by looking at the specific needs of your company. What do you want to outsource? How much work is already done internally vs externally? Co-managed IT solutions are flexible and customisable.

As a first step, reach out to us. Get an idea of how we can help make things easier for your organisation. We'll listen to your requirements and suggest where we can help to improve your current IT support.